Friday, August 10, 2007

For Wisteria: Our Peace Tomato

When I saw this post
Twice Bloomed Wisteria: Peace Tomato

I had to go slice one of ours and take a picture.
Wisteria is always such an inspiration to me, now
if I could only learn to can like her.....


Daphne said...

Wow. I am very jealous of your awesome garden. If you don't mind me asking, how large is your yard? Do you use Square Foot Gardening? Very yummy looking.

Garden State Kate said...

Thanks Daphne, our yard is about 80x 160.Not really big enough for us, but it's what we've got.
We do not get too much full sun, due to some big trees in our area, but we do the best we can.
It does feed us for a good bit of the year. :-)