Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our organic backyard garden

Stone bunny under the raspberries... Princess's primroses like it there too.
Seedlings in the greenhouse..
I moved some hostas to the back corner...

I think they look happy here. Don't you?
The azaleas are all blooming now

Our squirrels had babies...they are super cute!

My broccoli raab is coming up

so are my peas, radishes,lettuce and spinach.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Edited to add B-Day photos....
Yes, it's my Birthday!!! It is a glorious day in the Garden skies, sunshine,cool enough
to work in the garden, but warm enough to sit and do nothing.
Farmer Dad surprised me with a depression glass pitcher in amber..with
some weird colored flowers in it this morning.
My brother-in-law and his wife and daughter

stopped by for pitcher of bloody marys, they gave me a gorgeous pair of earrings as well and the kids played outside all day except for when
they took a ride to buy my b-day cake with Farmer Dad.I took the time to sit with a favorite book and a cup of tea I have been swamped with love over here, as the e-mails and phone calls keep coming..heaping birthday wishes and love all over me.
I will post pictures soon from today, in the are some pics from around our little corner of the Garden State from this week....
There is one piece of chocolate cake left...

sitting on his vintage melmac I scored off cheery to me!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April in the Garden State

We have been busy here getting the garden beds ready for planting watching the return of all the lovely polinators..

moved the mini green house

watching the flowers pop out..

doesn't the sun feel good?