Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today in the Garden State

Sorry it has been so long since I blogged here... Today we were outside all day...enjoying the end of Summer in our corner
of the Garden State. The above photo shows the cranberries. We have flowers again..

This Butternut Squash flower just makes me feel happy.

The Figs are ripening!!!

A little Butternut Squash growing in the grass...

Princess's friend came over and worked side by side with me in the garden.

She was a gem!!

This little one only eats....


black eyed susans kitchen said...

Kate, Your garden still looks great and I can't believe that you are growing figs! To me, that is pretty exciting.
♥, Susan

Cass @ That Old House said...

Figs! We had a small fig tree -- can't remember its name, but it was one of the family -- years ago. My brother tended it.
Love your blog...just found you from OUR part of the Garden State, in Morris County, where I just stuck a few tomatoes in among the hydrangeas back in May and have big plans for NEXT year. those tomatoes grew like gangbusters, with no "spraying" and not even any fertilizer. Must be the chipmunk poop.
