Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The rainiest July on Record

That is what Farmer Dad says anyway. ;-) Things are growing here.
 Squash, corn, onions, and eggplant.
We are even still getting peas.
We have had a ground hog sighting, but he is little and will hopefully get caught in the have a heart soon. What is growing in your garden?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Spring is drawing to a close

There have been so many times I have meant to sit down and update this old blog.....but time and laundry wait for no woman. ;-)  Let me catch you up a bit...I have been trying to deal with this back corner of the property for a while now. When we moved in many, many moons ago, it was all English Ivy.(  http://www.eddmaps.org/tools/statereport.cfm?id=us_nj ) I have been trying to eradicate it over the years.

 We had a lot of forsythia at one time,  the I think the ivy is killing it off.

 I have been moving the hosta babies all over my yard. I love volunteer plants.

I added a flower bed all around the vegetable garden last year. I was hoping it would hide the hideous tall fencing we put in to keep the ground hog out. The ground hog dug under it. :-( I bought a few perennials a couple of years ago off the clearance table at Lowes. I think I spent $5.00, which included 2 bags of mulch. They are still coming up in pots and beds all over my yard.  I recently took a class in mushroom cultivation and I will post about that tomorrow. I love Spring!